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CO CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES 2023-24 SHIFT-2 Download (577.74 KB) pdf
CO CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES 2023-24 SHIFT-1 Download (144.42 KB) pdf
CCA Calender 2022-23 (Shift II) Download (23.41 KB) docx

The Vidyalaya promises to provide a valuable foundation in the building up of not only academic excellence but also character an overall growth of the students.Co-curricular activities form an integral part of the school curriculum and a good number of students participate in some activity or the other so as to top their innate potential.

The Vidyalaya is divided into houses. Regular inter house competitions are held in dance, music, recitation, calligraphy, drawing, painting, debates and declamation etc.The idea is to inculcate a sense of healthy competition. Inter house competitions are held ensuring mass participation.

month date activity group no. of participation
April 07 Nomination of Captains for Student Council
and House Captains (Class XII)—
List to be given to CCA Coordinator
by Class XI & XII Class teachers
information about Houses to be disseminated
13 Creative Writing (Eng. & Hindi) Juniour 05 best (each class)
seniour 05 best (each class)
21 Magazine cover design compCalligraphy (Eng. & Hindi) seniour 02 (each House)Best five entries from each class to be submitted
28 News Reading (Eng. & Hindi) Seniors 02 (each House)
May 5 Poster designing Comp IX-XII 05 from each class
June 23 Elocution comp (Eng/Hindi) Juniors 02 (Each House)
seniour 02 (Each House)
30 Display Board Competition Collaborative Activity
July 7 House Meeting (Selection of Prefects and Vice Captains) XI
13 Investiture Ceremony During Morning Assembly
21 Spell Bee Competition Open – VI-VII/VIII-X/XI-XII
28 English Debate Seniors 04 (each House)
Hindi Debate Seniors 04 (each House)
Augest 4 Collage Making Competition Seniors 05 (each House)
Kite/ Book Mark Making Juniors 05 (each class)
18 Poetry Recitation(English) Seniors 02 (each House)
Juniors 02 (each House)
25 Rakhi Making Juniors 05 (each class)
Slogan writing (Eng/Hindi) Seniors 05 (each class)
September 1 Poetry Recitation(Hindi) Seniors 02 (each House)
Juniors 02 (each House)
15 Moral Story Telling- Hindi Juniors 02 (each House)
22 Hindi Elocution Seniors 02 (each House)
October 6 Best Out of Waste –Craft Juniors/Seniors Open
November 3 Diya decoration Juniors 02 (each House)
Rangoli Seniors 05 (each House)
17 Solo Song competition VI-X (04) each House
December 1 Solo Song Competition VI-XI 02 (each House)
Regional Language
15 Regional song Competition Seniors 8-10(each house)